Between March 2014 and April 2016, I posted content to, my attempt to "write for the web ecology." I burned out after two years. I was swamped at work, trying to write novels, and frankly couldn't come up with clever ideas every week to post to the site. Now it all exists as if preserved in a plastic, visited only by bots who I hope enjoy the break from election deniers and celebrity break-ups. Every once in a while, I think about starting up again, but there are too many other things I want to work on. But I will keep paying to keep the website out there, a forgotten little island in the vast archepelago of the Internet.
A sample:
Prayer is not for believers.
It is for those incapable of belief_
Dim-hearted bankers, like me,
Hoping to earn on interest
What they could not pay in principle.